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NJAHRA works together with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey (DCA) in a concerted effort to improve the quality and delivery of assisted housing services and related support services for New Jersey’s low-income residents.

The primary service functions of NJAHRA are:
  1. To inform and educate our membership on all issues and topics affecting the operation and administration of New Jersey’s public housing and its Section 8 rental assistance and community development programs. Membership meetings, workshops, seminars, and conference sessions are scheduled in a timely manner and at convenient locations for the purpose of accomplishing this task.
  2. To inform the low-income residents of our State of the availability of housing assistance programs designed to meet their needs for decent, safe and affordable housing. This task is accomplished via the dissemination of informational materials pertaining to topics, such as the following:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the maximum incomes allowed to be eligible for housing assistance under the Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs?
The income limits for admission eligibility are based on family size and median incomes in the geographical area in which you are seeking such housing. These limits may be obtained by calling the local Housing Authority in such area.
What is the purpose of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program?
The purpose of the HCV program is to provide rental assistance to eligible low-income households for the rental of decent, safe, and affordable housing within the private housing market area.
Can I apply for housing assistance at any given time?
No, you can apply for such assistance only during those periods of time during which the local housing authority in the location in which you are seeking such assistance opens its waiting list(s) to new applicants. You may obtain information pertaining to the opening of waiting lists in any area by calling the local housing authority in such jurisdiction.
Where can I get an application for housing assistance?
You can obtain an application for housing assistance from the local housing authority in the jurisdiction in which you are seeking such assistance.
How do I apply for housing assistance?
By completing and submitting a housing authority prescribed application form and furnishing the housing authority with all required information pertaining to your family income, size, composition, and other requested information.
How do I know if I’m eligible for housing assistance?
There are five Eligibility requirements for housing assistance: qualifies as a family (include 1 person families) as defined by applicable regulations, has an income within the established income limits, meets established citizenship/ eligible immigrant criteria, provides documentation of Social Security numbers, and signs required consent authorization documents. Families must also meet the Housing Authority’s screening criteria for housing assistance.
How does a Housing Authority select tenants?
Each Housing Authority selects and assign tenants based on the criteria set forth in their Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy for Public Housing applicants and in their Section 8 Administrative Plan for applicants under the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
What happens if I am put on a waiting list for housing assistance?
EContact the Housing Authority on whose list you have been placed for detailed information regarding the management of such list.
What are tenant rent payments based on?
Tenant payments toward rent are based on 30% of the adjusted gross income of the tenant household.

Nondiscrimination & Fair Housing

It is the policy of New Jersey’s Housing Authorities and Redevelopment Agencies to fully comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII and Section 3 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (as amended), Executive Order 11063, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and any other applicable Federal, State and local nondiscrimination laws, rules and regulations governing Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, including any such legislation as may be subsequently enacted.

In accord with the above stated policy, New Jersey’s Housing Authorities shall not discriminate because of race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, family or marital status, familial status (in non-elderly designated housing), disability, handicap, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in the leasing, rental, or other disposition of housing or related facilities, including land, included in any development or developments under their jurisdiction. In addition, New Jersey Housing Authorities shall not take any of the following actions on account of race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, family or marital status, familial status (in non-elderly designated housing), disability, handicap, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation:

  1. Deny to any family the opportunity to apply for assisted housing.
  2. Deny any eligible applicant the opportunity to lease assisted housing suitable to its family needs.
  3. Provide housing which is different than that provided others.
  4. Subject a person to segregation or disparate treatment.
  5. Restrict a person’s access to any benefit enjoyed by others in connection with any program operated by New Jersey’s Housing Authorities and Redevelopment Agencies.
  6. Treat a person differently than other persons in determining eligibility or other requirements for admission to assisted/ subsidized housing administered by New Jersey Housing Authorities.
  7. Deny a person access to the same level of services as offered to others by New Jersey Housing Authorities and Redevelopment Agencies.
  8. Deny a person the opportunity to participate in a planning or advisory group which is an integral part of the programs administered by New Jersey’s Housing Authorities and Redevelopment Agencies.
  9. Automatically deny admission to assisted/ subsidized housing to a particular group or category of otherwise eligible applicants (e.g. families with children born to unmarried parents). Each applicant in a particular group or category will be treated on an individual basis in the normal processing routine.

In accord with applicable laws, rules and regulations, New Jersey Housing Authorities shall seek to identify and eliminate situations or procedures that create a barrier to equal housing opportunity for all. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and where deemed to be financially feasible, the Housing Authorities shall make such physical or procedural changes as will reasonably accommodate people with disabilities.

As conditions require New Jersey’s Housing Authorities shall issue public announcements /notices designed to encourage the submission of applications by eligible low-income persons/families for low-rent housing assistance under the Public Housing and/or Section 8 Housing Rental Assistance Programs. In an effort to further encourage potential applicants to apply for such assistance the Housing Authorities may employ additional marketing strategies, such as sending informational spots to local media outlets ( radio stations, cable TV, newspapers, or other periodicals) for broadcast or publication; conducting special outreaches to minorities, persons with disabilities and very low-income families; distributing informational pamphlets and brochures; posting notices in places of employment, unemployment offices, welfare offices, post offices, grocery and other type stores, churches, community halls and transportation centers; and reaching out to organizations which assist people with disabilities, the elderly, immigrants, homeless people and victims of domestic violence.

In order to further the objectives of nondiscrimination in assisted/subsidized housing, many New Jersey Housing Authorities employ tactics such as the following:

  1. Include in their housing admissions briefings a section on compliance with Civil Rights laws that explains to program participants what should be done if they believe they have been discriminated against.
  2. Prominently display Fair Housing poster in their offices and lobby areas.
  3. Utilize the Equal Housing Opportunity logo and/or statement in all of their advertising and marketing publications.
  4. Utilize TDD machines or an acceptable alternative for the purpose of servicing the hearing impaired.
  5. Print informational notices and application forms in both English and Spanish or any other language commonly spoken in their localities.

Rights & Responsibilities

  • The rights of public housing residents are as follows: The right to live in decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
  • The right to have repairs performed in a timely manner, upon request, and to have a quality maintenance program run by the Housing Authority.
  • The right to be given reasonable notice, in writing, of any non-emergency inspection or other entry into their apartment.
  • The right to organize as residents without obstruction, harassment, or retaliation.
  • The right, subject to house rules, to post materials in common areas of their building informing other residents of their rights and of opportunities to involve themselves in resident/management matters.
  • The right, subject to applicable house rules, to use appropriate common space or meeting facilities to organize or to consider any issue affecting the condition or management of the property.
  • The right to be recognized by the Housing Authority as having a voice in affairs concerning their residential community.
  • Complying with the rules and guidelines that govern their dwelling lease. The responsibilities of public housing residents are as follows:To pay the correct amount of rent on a timely basis each month. To provide accurate information to the Housing Authority at the certification or recertification interview to determine their eligibility for assistance, and to consent to the release of information by third parties to allow for verification. To conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb their neighbors. Not to engage in criminal activity in the unit, common area, or grounds of their housing development. To keep their unit clean and not litter the grounds or common areas. To dispose of garbage and waste in a proper manner. To comply with local codes that affect the health or safety of the residence. To maintain their apartment and common areas in the same general physical condition as when they moved in. To report any defects in building systems, fixtures, appliances, or other parts of the unit, the grounds, or related facilities to the Housing Authority’s management office. Resident complaints/ grievances:All public housing residents have the right to request an informal grievance hearing. Upon the filing of a written request, a resident shall be entitled to a hearing before a Hearing Officer. A resident may file a request for any dispute which a resident may have with respect to the Housing Authority’s action or failure to act in accordance with the individual resident’s lease or Authority regulations which adversely affect the individual resident’s rights, duties, welfare or status.

    Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities: Sometimes people with disabilities may need a reasonable accommodation in order to take full advantage of the Housing Authority’s housing programs and related services. When such accommodations are granted, they do not confer special treatment or advantage for the person with the disability, rather, they make the program accessible to them in a way that would otherwise not be possible due to their disability. Because disabilities are not always apparent, the Housing Authority will ensure that all applicants/tenants are aware of the opportunity to request reasonable accommodations. Anyone requesting an application will receive a Request for Reasonable Accommodation form and Notifications of reexamination, inspection, appointment, or eviction will include information about requesting a reasonable accommodation.